ExpertiseInside Luckycart 9 minutesWritten by Julien Guitard, Chief Sciences & Data Officer and the Lucky cart Data Team. 2022/09/13 Lucky cart’s data team is made up of a dozen people, 1/3 for each role: data scientists, data engineers and data analysts. Its aim is to design, develop, operate and maintain the algorithmic factory of our…
The evolution of purchasing habits, everything you need to know!
ExpertiseNews 11 minutesWritten by Sophie Guillaume, Marketing and Junior Communication Manager & Virginie Chollois, Agile Marketing Manager Senior at Lucky cart. 2022/09/01 Ever faster and ever more, that’s the motto you could give to the world. In 1984, the first mobile phone was launched, and where it took years for the first generation of devices…
E-Retail Media: the challenges and impacts on organisations.
Expertise 12 minutesWritten by Virginie Chollois, Agile Marketing Manager Senior & Nicolas Trannoy, Marketing Director and Business Insight at Lucky cart. 2022/08/22 Still a fairly recent concept, but not all that new, E-Retail Media is a fast-growing tool thanks to the ever-increasing interest of brands and the sudden acceleration of online consumer purchases by shoppers.…
How does E-Retail Media help gain purchasing power?
Expertise 7 minutesVirginie Chollois, Agile Marketing Manager Senior at Lucky cart. 2022/07/08 At Lucky cart, we do not claim to have a political or economic opinion on the matter, but we will try to enlighten you through the prism of our expertise on this complex subject that we want to dissect, analyze, understand to finally…
Why is A/B testing particularly relevant for E-Retail Media?
Expertise 7 minutesWritten by Alexandra Caillet, Head of Business Insights and Measurement at Lucky cart. 2022/06/17 In a booming market with a growing number of campaigns conducted on the e-Commerce websites of French retailers, properly measuring performance is becoming critical to be able to assess effectiveness and investment profitability. To measure the performance of a…
What is the status of gender parity in STEM*?
ExpertiseNews 7 minutesWritten by Lamia Benaouali, data engineer at Lucky cart. 2022/05/16 *STEM (acronyme de science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) In 2020, we placed the company’s culture at the center of our concerns. As our teams are very diverse and harmonious, we all wanted to preserve these characteristics in the long term. This is why…
Power and Precision of Big Data for a Simple Customer Experience
Expertise 2 minutes2022/03/07 If our activation campaigns seem so simple on the surface, it is because they leverage algorithms and a dynamic ecosystem with deeply complex mechanisms. With billions of collected data and millions more every day, our system is constantly expanding and working in continuous learning. As our knowledge of purchasing behavior improves, our solution becomes…
Customer Engagement and Campaign Visibility in the Purchasing Journey
Expertise 2 minutesWritten by Virginie Chollois and Nicolas Trannoy. 2022/03/07 At Lucky cart, we started from a simple observation: putting the shopper experience and satisfaction at the heart of our model enables us to satisfy your needs. We provide optimal visibility, a simple customer journey to deliver maximum engagement. Our technology allows us to…
Performance measurement: One of the keys to success
Expertise 2 minutes2022/04/26 As our solution operates on deep learning and continuous learning models, we pay great attention to our measurements. The more precise and solid they are, the better the learning and confidence in the machine.We minimize noise (variance), biases in the methodological (questionable hypothesis) and statistical sense with a single goal: to obtain…
Gaming for Good: Lucky cart’s solidarity mechanic
News 3 minutes2022/04/04 The health crisis has had a strong impact both on the French population as well as the global one, with numerous financial repercussions and overwhelmed organizations including the hospital system. In this context, the French have expressed a strong need and desire to be more committed to solidarity initiatives. According to a…